On top of this, we are also preparing a kindergartner for her first days of school. So we are dealing with meltdowns over school clothes, shoes, and the idea of kindergarten itself. She is happy about going one day and telling me she's staying home the next. The fact of the matter is we have a little girl who is not sure that she's ready for this next phase of her life. AND SHE'S A GIRL!
While school shopping at Macy's One Day Sale with crazy coupons in hand (good luck trying to find items that are both on sale and are coupon eligible), I was frustrated. One because of the said coupon challenges, two because I had two crabby toddlers in a stroller, and three I had a VERY picky almost kindergartner. I was trying to buy underwear and bras (Sweet Baby Jesus! Who makes these things?), a first day of school dress for the lovely lady, and jeans for the little fellows. I took all of my items to the counter to find that my coupon only worked on two of the items which totaled $49.50 and I had to spend $50 for the coupon to work. I was ready to pull out my hair!
While I was looking and feel rather exasperated, an elderly lady turned to me and smiled. She quietly admired my three wild monkeys for a moment. She reached down and touched one of the boy's hands and spoke softly to him. She looked up at me and smiled brightly. She told me that all the children are beautiful. Indeed they are. She then asked if they are all mine. Indeed they are. She asked if the boys are twins. Indeed they are. Beaming, she said, "You are very rich." I let those words sink in. I wasn't feeling very rich. I was feeling very tired, frustrated, annoyed, and spent. Then the tears came to my eyes. Yes, I am very rich. Rich beyond understanding. What was I doing? I had it all wrong. These are the most important people in the world. I needed to change my mindset about the day and all it had thrown at me.
I had lost sight this day of what was really important. It's not the coupon. It's not the unrest that happens through the day. It's not always easy to think of the hard times as being part of the best times. I'm so blessed to have been given these three little wild monkeys. They are mine. I worked very hard to have them. I work very hard to take care of them. I work very hard to give them everything they need. If they weren't valuable, why would I do that? So in those quick moments, I was mentally slapped to refocus and reprioritize.
When things seem overwhelming and that you're never going to accomplish everything you need, remember how rich you are. You are rich beyond understanding. You have treasures that you have been blessed with. You were chosen to care for this valuable commodity. Handle this fragile, amazing, gift with care. You would never invest this in a different way. The to-do list isn't all that important. Toss it aside. Hug them. Watch them sleep. Play with them. Have a picnic with them. Love on them. Sing with them. Listen to them tell stories. Absorb every second of this time. They are sharing their riches with you. The time passes too quickly and you don't want to miss any of it. They're only little once, so enjoy every bit. Even the rough parts...they are beautiful, too!